Start: Wheel of Life
Lets get a feeling for where you are starting from. This helps you decide where we need to focus FIERCELY next….
Your Time Investment
Video Duration: 3m:12s.
Reading: 5-10 Minutes
Action Plan: 10-15 Minutes
Focus: Where Are you Now?
1. Where are you in your life in the 8 main areas?
2. What’s your ideal score for each area?
3. WHY is it important to move towards the new goals?
Primary Points To Ponder
Point #1: NOW is the ONLY Time for Change!
Point #2: Choose 1 section/area and focus on it for the week.
Point #3: Are you 100% Committed, and not just Interested in success?
Point #4: Commit to 2 new Daily Actions to improve the chosen section you are working on?
Point#5 : How can you make your WHY’S BIG enough to keep you focused?
WIFT Action Plan
1. Make sure you are chasing meaningful Goals.
2. Make sure it’s a win win for all people impacted.
3. Give your WORD to an Accountability partner (SEAL)- to hold you to your agreements and specific actions for the week?
4. Stop TV (Time Vampire). Allocate and commit to the required time now, to focus on your meaningful goals.
5. Create a plan to ensure SWIFT actions. Remove or Reduce Your Constraints, distractions, and excuses. FIERCE FOCUS!!!
6. Check: Is this goal big enough, and important enough, to transform your life, and those you impact, for the better?
SMART Goals Details
Goal #1: Clarify & Document Your main Goals in each area.
Goal #2: Cut TV and other Time Wastage by 50%.
Goal #3: Break Through your Main #1 Fear. Take the action.
Goal #4: List 3 things each day that you could be more grateful for.
Goal#5: Take incremental action each day on 1 meaningful goal in each area.