

Welcome to session #2. This is your next step, in building a foundation for Success Ensurance.

This rewires, rethinks, redesigns, your mindset most effectively for long term REAL success, in every area of your life..

Your Time Investment

Video Duration: 3m:39.

Reading: 5 Minutes

Action Plan; 20-30 Minutes

Core Message Focus

But what kind of purpose do you have?

What kind of passion are you driving towards?

Your ego is going to prevent you and block you.

Your brain and your mindsets’ going to hold you back.

But you have to be the ONE… that takes control.

That takes charge. 

That takes Fiercely-Focused SWIFT action, towards meaningful Goals.

Primary Points To Ponder

  • How clear is your purpose?
  • How persistent are you?
  • How passionate are you for your goals and dreams?
  • What is the vision that you have for you?
  • …And for mankind?


SWIFT Action Plan

Time for Purpose-Full Action…

What’s the #1 most valuable thing you can do right now in each area of your life?

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Love

SMART Details

Point #1: Increase my Personal Awareness of how I spend my time over the next week.

Point #2: Adjust my time spend on wasted activities to be used on more productive actions that relate to improving my HEALTH

Point #3: Adjust my time spend on wasted activities to be used on more productive actions that relate to improving my WEALTH

Point #4: Adjust my time spend on wasted activities to be used on more productive actions that relate to improving my Love & Relationships

FIERCE Focus, SWIFT Action. 1,2,3, GO!

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