We are your Bridge!
from Reasons and excuses to High Performance RESULTS…
We begin with Diagnostics and Assessments of People, Teams, Leadership and Organisatonal Culture.
Before you begin your adventure and journey to becoming a HIGH Performance Person, and Organisation, it’s vital to underst specifically where you are right now. We use a variety of assessments, diagnostics and interviews to get a CLEAR picture of PRESENT status, CONTEXT and CONSTRAINTS.
Opening Hours
Monday-friday: 9AM-6PM
Saturday: 9AM – 2PM
Saturday: 9AM – 2PM
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CLEARx Framework
Fusultricies odio vel ultricies.
Fuaugue. Mauris dapibus ultricies odio vel ultricies.
Insightful Team Assessments:
- Social Netwoks and Organisational FLOW (Trust, Communications, Leadership, Credibility, Power, Grapevine)
- Org Culture, Values Conflicts and Organisational PH.
- Engagement HeartBeat
- Happiness@work
- Leadership Effectiveness, Integrity & Trust
- Team Fitness
- Neuro Leadership Conflicts
- Secretan Castle Leadership Principles
- Tribal Leadership States
- Energy Sustainability
Personal Assessments
- Emotional static
- Adversity Intelligence/ Learned Helplessness – PsyCap
- Happiness@work
- Stress Levels
- Engagement Heartbeat
- GO Mindset
- Job Burn-out
- Driving Values
- Relationships, Connections and Conflicts
- Fairness Perceptions
- Neuro Engagement
- Leadership Preferences
- Energy Resourcefulness
SWIFT Action Plan
Our The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance Framework and system creates clar and focussed outputs for enhancng and ensuring a higher performance worplace.